The start of another calendar year is upon us. As you begin to think about how you will spend your print marketing budget, it may be a good idea to examine your brand awareness. What areas can be improved and where do you excel? Investing in marketing and advertising materials such as flyers, grand format signage, packaging materials, and handouts can be seen as an investment to build a business and can broaden your customer reach.
The Best Print Marketing Materials
Having an array of printed marketing material at your disposal is always helpful. Even in our digital world, customers still look for physically printed items to take with them. As you allocate your print budget this month, don’t forget to stock up on the below items so customers will keep you top of mind.
By combining print and digital ads, it will make online campaigns 400% more effective.
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Market Yourself With Print Brochures
When people hear the word “Brochure” they normally think of an 8.5×11 trifold. While there is still a place for these, brochures can come in many other forms too. Not only can you vary the size, shape, fold, and paper, but you can also use a single postcard or rack card as a brochure.
Think of your website as being a novel and the brochure as the book review. Give your potential customers a small preview of what you offer, with a hook of excitement and mystery. Make them want to go to your site for more information, rather than filling the brochure with an abundance of information. The more you can get people to visit your website, and even your social media, the more they will feel engaged and connected to your brand.
77% of consumers say that print marketing drives higher levels of brand recall.
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Grand Format Printing
Need help grabbing attention from nearby traffic and crowds? Banners, flags, A-frame signs, window clings, floor graphics, large posters…. these are all ways to catch a customer’s eye and can also add a whole lot of life to your business location. People are drawn to environments that are well-decorated and businesses that understand how to use subtle designs and advertising to promote their products. And it’s a little hidden secret that Primoprint offers a large selection of grand format products.
Have a space that could use some sprucing up? Have car and foot traffic you are struggling to connect with? Reach out to our design team. We’d be happy to make suggestions and help you design that attention-grabbing signage you long for.

Presentation Folders
Presentation folders can be used in various ways. They are commonly used by educational institutions, for seminars and training events, & promotional events. They are considered an essential part of your handout kit. Whenever you have multiple sheets of paper that are being handed out, presentation folders are a must. Read more about their benefits.

Print Marketing with Letterhead
Classic, well-designed customized letterhead and stationery can take your mailings and printed materials from uninteresting to eye-catching. Additionally, they can make potential clients feel your legitimacy and remember you long after the envelope is opened. Find out more reasons why they are a must for any size business.

Everyone knows a quality business envelope stands out in the mailbox. That’s why it’s essential to send high-quality envelopes. Select from uncoated smooth premium envelopes or a more classic, traditional linen paper. These premium paper types are available in a variety of sizes, with and without windows, and some even offer side flap openings.

Overall, keep in mind that every touchpoint your audience has with your brand needs to represents the high standards you have for your company. Printed material that looks thrown together will make people think this is the type of service they can accpect too. So make sure the visual and physical impact your marketing material is of the highest quality.
Have other print and design needs? We’ll be happy to help! Contact us today. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.