AI Tools In Business

In an ideal world, your business would have a whole team of talented creative professionals dedicated to fulfilling each of your organization’s communication and design needs, but with budget and time constraints, this isn’t realistic for most. Instead, you might be left juggling a variety of tasks for which you have varying degrees of interest or expertise, and completing them can take valuable resources away from other important projects. 

But there’s a better way! Incredibly, we’re living in an exciting era where a variety of AI-driven business solutions are readily available to help improve productivity. ChatGPT and Canva Magic Studio are two examples of powerful, user-friendly AI tools that can help your business work smarter, creating targeted, engaging content in a fraction of the time so you can refocus precious resources on more important tasks.

ChatGPT For Business

ChatGPT is a sophisticated, AI language model that has been trained to understand and respond to written prompts using text that sounds as natural as if it had been written by a real person. It was first launched in November of 2022 and has since proven itself to be a powerful tool for helping businesses generate written content tailored to their specific needs. Below are a few examples of the nearly endless ways you can use this powerful tool. 

Organizing and Outlining Ideas: After a productive brainstorming session, you can ask Chat GPT to help organize your ideas into a cohesive outline from which you can draft your text. 

Product Descriptions: You can describe a product or service to ChatGPT and ask it to generate an informative blub that can be used in different types of marketing materials.

Generating SEO Keywords: If you’re working to improve your website’s ranking, you can ask ChatGPT to generate a list of SEO keywords based on a given topic and then naturally work those keywords or phrases into your copy. 

Streamlining Routine Correspondence: You can ask ChatGPT to help you draft routine correspondence like automated customer emails, daily reports, or office memos. 

Clarifying Communication: Have you ever had to write an email where you just can’t seem to find the right words to get your message across while remaining clear and professional? You can ask ChatGPT to help with that, too!

Canva Magic Studio For Business Design

Since 2013, Canva has been a popular application dedicated to providing user-friendly design tools that produce professional quality results. They added their first AI-powered image generator to the platform in March of 2022, and in October of 2023, they launched Magic Studio, which offers a suite of intuitive, AI-powered tools that allow users to create compelling visual communications. 

Automated Design: The Magic Design feature can help you create impactful designs in line with your branding and marketing objectives in seconds. Whether it’s a product brochure, Instagram post, presentation, or video, this tool automates the creation of high-quality content.

Adaptable Designs: Tools like Magic Expand and Resize & Magic Switch allow you to easily adjust one design for use in a variety of media, regardless of size. This means you can use Canva Magic Studio for marketing across multiple channels with minimal time and effort. 

Innovative Imaging Tools: While professional imaging software has offered a variety of advanced editing tools for decades, Canva’s AI features allow anyone to make previously complicated edits using short written prompts. You can change the color of an object with Magic Edit, modify shapes and text with Magic Morph, or generate a unique image using Magic Media. 

Improving productivity with AI can be a key factor in freeing up time and resources for more important projects. ChatGPT and Canva Magic Studio are powerful tools that can help you work smarter and faster, but they’re not perfect. Since they’ve learned by processing information gleaned from the internet, you should always be on the lookout for incorrect or biased information and be sure to proofread and thoroughly review any AI-generated content to ensure that it is accurate and that it sounds or looks natural. These tools are best used as a supplement rather than a replacement for human experience, creativity, and empathy.