7 Tips for a Successful Trade Show

Studies have proven that our first opinion of someone forms within a tenth of a second. That’s not much time to impress. Furthermore, said studies have revealed that your first…

5 Tips for Using Business Cards Effectively

Everyone seems to be using social media and mobile devices these days, but in spite of this constant online connectivity – or perhaps even because of it – good old-fashioned, face-to-face networking is hugely popular. Perhaps people still prefer actual human contact, even in a business environment.

8 Tips to Engage and Connect with Customers via Social Media

Whether you’re just starting out, or have been active on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter for years, but haven’t been seeing results, these tips will take your social media marketing game to the next level.

Preparing to Transition from College to the Workforce

The transition between college and the workplace can be difficult for even the most well-prepared student. The working world is very different from most college environments, and students must be prepared to take the right steps so the transition will be as painless and successful as possible.

12 Graphic Design Quotes that will Inspire You to Create Great Work

When creative block sets in, many designers turn to motivational quotes from industry leaders for a bit of inspiration. Powerful phrases that have become mantras for the entire industry of design. We’ve selected twelve graphic design quotes to share from true visionaries to help you get out of your creative funk, and back to creating great work.