January 2022 Digital Wallpapers

In celebration of the wonderful things that are to come in 2022, here are your FREE digital downloads – created in-house by Primoprint’s newest designer, Johnny.

Pantone’s Color of the Year 2022

It’s that time of year again! The time, as a designer, we mark our calendar and patiently wait for the announcement of the Pantone Color of the Year! 

Pro Tip: Menu Revamping 101

It may be that time of year to review budgets, costs, and everything in between. In the restaurant industry, this is also the perfect time to revamp your menus. Whether…

Primoprint Design: July Digital Wallpaper

What makes July so special?? BBQ’s, beach trips, celebrating our freedoms… and FREE wallpaper downloads. Be the change you wish to see in the world. -Gandi