Beautiful March Wallpaper Download: Our Gift To You

Welcome to the start of Spring! And what better way to enjoy this time of year than enjoying the sunshine, basking in the glow of the moon, and receiving this month’s mobile and desktop wallpaper download? 

How To Choose The Best Fonts For Your Design

Choosing a font for your design seems like an easy task, however, all too often we see designs that do not match the aesthetic of the fonts. We have compiled a few basic tips to keep in mind while designing and choosing your fonts.

How to Know When To Hire A Graphic Designer

We’ve all been enticed at some point to take on a project ourselves to save money. But in the end, did we do ourselves any favors? Hiring a graphic designer, in some cases, can work the same way.

Our Gift To You: Free February Wallpaper Download

That’s right… it’s time for our monthly free gift. Download your February 2023 desktop wallpaper and digital wallpaper today! No strings attached. Just our way to say “thank you” for being awesome.

How to Effectively Prepare for Your Next Trade Show

Spring is coming, and you know what that means…Trade Show Season! Whether that is dreaded or anticipated, Primoprint is here to help. Over the years, we have had the opportunity to work with many businesses preparing for trade shows. We’ve got a really good look at what these companies are doing to prepare and what tools they are using to get the most out of their experience.

How to Make the Most Of Your Print Marketing Budget

The start of another calendar year is upon us. As you begin to think about how you will spend your print marketing budget, it may be a good idea to examine your brand awareness. What areas can be improved and where do you excel? Investing in marketing and advertising materials such as flyers, grand format signage, packaging materials, and handouts can be seen as an investment to build a business and can broaden your customer reach.