Why Students Need Business Cards

Whether you’re wrapping up your final collegiate semester or a recent graduate, it’s essential to dive into the job hunt prepared. Business cards are necessary for students who are trying to make a connection or networking to further their careers right before graduation and shortly after.

Products to Highlight and Promote Your Event

Whether your event is a farmers market, concert, sporting event, or fair, having a booth or table is a great opportunity to connect with customers, sell products, and build brand…

Top Conferences: Graphic Design, Branding, and Marketing

There are dozens of conferences for those in the marketing, branding, social media, and graphic design industries. Attending a conference can help renew your excitement about the work that you perform. You can meet current and past colleagues and online acquaintances in person. In a digital world, there is still something compelling about meeting your contact in person.

Print Materials That Can Help Market Your Restaurant

If you’ve started, or are thinking of starting a restaurant, you’ve already spent some time thinking about the setting, menu, prices, and ambiance. How much thought have you given to your print marketing materials? Print marketing materials are an excellent way of setting the scene for your patrons. When done right, marketing materials will let diners see in a glance what kind of restaurant you have and why they should try it. If they’ve already dined at your establishment, the right marketing will remind them about their great experience and bring them back. Here are some of the marketing materials we know work particularly well for getting the word out.

How to Prepare For Your Next Event

Events are an excellent opportunity to make connections, build awareness around your business, and attract new customers. Attending events take a lot of time and effort, so it’s essential to…

Etsy Users: 5 Tips For Beautiful Print Files

Etsy’s Digital downloads allow customers to purchase and download the file to print themselves. While this is a great function, it can cause frustration and disappointment if the files are not set up correctly for print. As an Etsy seller, you want your customers to have a smooth experience. Here are some helpful tips to make it easy for your customers to download and print.