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Fierce Female Designers: Creating Social and Cultural Change via Design

Graphic Design can take on many forms and meanings. It can range from simple logo designs for a small company or encompass iconic branding with companies such as Nike or GOOGLE. While both simple and iconic designs make their marks, we often don’t think about the people behind those designs or the social and cultural impacts they can make. Often design work goes beyond the obvious of what we see and remember and dives deeper to inspire social or cultural change. The female designers I have chosen to highlight have pushed boundaries in their design work as well as in their design-based social initiatives. The women designers mentioned below are bridging gaps of inequality in their unique way.

Employee Spotlight: Meet Sheila

At Primoprint, it’s the premium and affordable products that customers know, but it’s the fantastic people that make us, well, us! Over the next few months, we’ll be highlighting one…

Primoprint Design: October Free Wallpapers

Hello October! While it may be warm in some places, the leaves are certainly starting to change here at our main office in North Carolina. Primo Designer Brooke created these…

Be Unique: Square Business Cards

We live in a technology world, but business cards continue to be one of the most affordable and best marketing tools for any business and brand. Choosing a business card can be fun. Not only are they great for branding, but they can also highlight your personality. But how?

Viral Marketing Is Easier With Stickers

People think viral marketing is all about Facebook ads and silly YouTube commercials. But sticker printing is an awesome way to get people talking about your brand, even if no…

7 Creative Ways to Market Your Pop-Up Shop

With the price of brick-and-mortar retail stores continuing to rise, particularly in larger cities, more and more entrepreneurs have turned to online business storefronts interspersed with the occasional pop-up shop….