When marketing your business, advertising can seem a little intimidating, especially when you have little to no budget. But if you are looking to grow your business, advertising should be an extremely important part of your plan. We’ve gathered a few tips below on how to advertise your business without breaking the bank.
Business Card Etiquette From Around the World
What’s the status of today’s business card? They remain a universally-recognized way to introduce oneself in the U.S., yet there may be additional protocols and traditions associated with handing out business cards abroad. Whether you travel abroad or you’re a trivia fan, you will likely find the following information fascinating!
Spring Colors To Inspire And Drive More Revenue
As we anxiously welcome the Spring of 2022, it may be time to update some of your advertising. It’s no secret that colors can have a physiological effect on your viewers. So updating the way you use color this Spring can have a very positive effect on your bottom line.
Everything you need to know about… Linen
The Linen paper is a soft, uncoated stock that provides a crosshatch woven texture – giving it a unique and slightly textured look and feel.
Primoprints’ Top 5 Blog Posts of 2021
This year at Primoprint, we announced new products, software, blog series, and others, to name a few! We’re looking forward to adding more exciting products and features in 2022 while continuing to provide customers with the superior service that they’ve come to expect. Over the course of 2021, we posted videos, design tips, inspiration, and manuals to better support you and your business. Here are our top blog posts of 2021!
Everything you need to know about… Plastic Cards
At Primoprint, we offer a large variety of ways for you to stand out from the crowd. When it comes to business cards or handout cards, the options almost seem endless. And Plastic Cards are no exception to this.