For a real estate agent, being a household name can be a determining factor of whether you are successful or not. But how do you get yourself out there? Taking advantage of the USPS Direct Mail and Every Door Direct Mail programs are ways you are sure to get noticed!
(What’s the difference between Direct Mail and EDDM? Find out HERE.)
In a digital world, the USPS is still the number one place many companies are spending their advertising dollars – and that’s because it works. Research has shown that consumers trust direct mail significantly more than digital advertising.
54% of people say they feel more connected to a company through direct mail, while 70% of consumers say direct mail is more personal than online interactions.
-Source: USPS
Even though people are more likely to read your postcard than click on your online ad, if your artwork does not have strong images and a compelling message, your postcard will still end up in the trash. Below are three approaches to take when creating your mailer that will help you capitalize on your audience.
Just Listed
Show off properties that you currently have on the market. Capabilities include a large photo of the exterior, a couple smaller photos of the inside, and a few specs of the home. Some realtors like to include the price, while others like to say “call for more details.” Even if this home sells before people receive the postcard, you will still get an open door to starting a conversation.
Just Sold
This is a great opportunity to show potential buyers/sellers that you are busy! It says “People trust me to sell their home and I get it done!” Show one sold home or show 6. It’s completely up to you. People like to see what homes are selling for in their area so they can compare to their own home.

General Sell
New to the real estate market? Maybe you don’t have a current property that you want to show off? Or maybe you just want to introduce yourself to the community? Sending a postcard mailer is still a great way to reach potential clients. One idea is to create something that they will want to hold on to for awhile. Maybe you include a yearly calendar, list of community events or local school calendar. Another idea is to team up with local businesses to include coupons. Or sending a monthly market analysis can be a great way to get their attention.

BONUS: Develop Your Brand
Creating a brand for yourself is an important part of telling clients who you are and what you stand for. If people consistently see your material around town, they will start to feel more connected to you. So make sure everything you put your name on has a clean, cohesive feel. Stick to your company colors and keep your design elements the same. Place your logo in the same place – no matter the medium. (Example: the logo is always located in the bottom left corner.) And be consistent. If you send the same branded/stylized mailer on a regular basis, people will be more likely to trust you. You’ll become that household name we talked about earlier!
Overall: Make It Personal
Hiring a real estate agent is not like picking your dry cleaner or hiring a landscape company. It can be scary and people feel like they have one shot to get it right. If the only contact they have with you prior to contacting you is this one postcard, you have to make the customer feel connected to you. Create a tie-in to the community. “I grew up here.” Or “I live and work in your neighborhood.” Or “I’ve sold XX homes in this neighborhood.”
Make sure to answer questions like: Why are you better than your competitors? There are so many agents to choose from, why choose you? And it may be beneficial to include some sort of offer. “Free in-home estimate.” “3% Realtor Fee.” “Will sell in 30 days.” And lastly, don’t forget your call to action. “Call or text today!”
The Challenge:
We’ve gone over a lot of points to cover. The challenge is to pick the points that work best for you and don’t oversell. Making your postcard too cluttered or including too much text, will turn people away too. Keep a nice balance between a solid headline, a beautiful photo, direct contact info, and a few bulleted informational points. This can be a hard task, so if you need help, hire a graphic designer. The Primoprint Design Team is amazing and can always help guide you in the right direction.
Double Bonus: Primoprint for Real Estate Agents
Did you know that the Primoprint designers can design a postcard that not only meets all the requirements above, but can be edited for future use at no additional charge?? For an initial design fee of $150, the team will create a one-of-a-kind postcard design. Once the artwork is created, they will switch out the photo and home specs for you each time you want to mail. As long as the structure of the template is not changing, there is no additional fee. Contact the design team today for more info.

Want more information on this topic? Here are a few other great real estate blogs for your reading pleasure:
How to Write the Perfect Real Estate Agent Bio
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